Fear Of Flying [How To Get Rid Of Fear To Fly] Flying Anxiety

Fear Of Flying [How To Get Rid Of Fear To Fly] Flying Anxiety

Fear Of Flying [How To Get Rid Of Fear To Fly] Flying Anxiety

Do you have fear of flying? Are you scared of flying and flying gives you anxiety? In this video you will see how I got rid of my fear of flying and how it can help you over come your flying fears. Planes are completely safe and some people even drive across the country just because they are afraid of flying. Hopefully this video will help you overcome your plane fear and end your fear of flying FOREVER. You can get rid of your flying fears and cure your aviophobia. Have an open mind.

In the video you will learn how I got rid of my fear of flying and how you can too if you watch this whole video and keep an open mind you will learn about what helped me to overcome my fear of flying.

I’m making this video with the intention of helping others
out there that feel at a disadvantage and know I am NOT trying to
sell you anything. Do you feel like Eminem wrote the intro to the movie
Eight-Mile about your fear of flying? You know the one with the line about mom’s spaghetti.

Well this used to be me: my palms would get sweaty my socks would get drenched and then when I would have to walk through security checkpoints I would have to take my shoes off leaving a trail of wet footprints from how much my feet perspired through my fear, because of my fear of flying and my anxiety my shirt armpits would be soaked.

Mentally I would be thinking I hope I don’t freak out I hope I don’t pass out
or have some sort of panic attack which I’m sure maybe some of you can relate out there.

This is me now I’ve been to Europe a couple of times that’s a nine-hour flight I’m in the U.S. Europe a couple of times, Central and
South America and I’ve probably been to more than 10 countries in the past several months. How did I get here? Well keep watching the video.

You want to travel or perhaps your significant other friend or family member wants you to go on a vacation lie somewhere for the weekend you really don’t want to let them down or maybe you’re too embarrassed to admit to them or anyone else that you are afraid of flying.

How would you like to eat a baguette or sip some wine in Paris? Paris France not Paris Texas. Sorry Texas. Or soak in some Sun at the beaches of Hawaii, explore national parks, the Greek islands, New York City, the Big Apple, the Egyptian pyramids, play with koalas in Australia, go mountain biking in New Zealand or a surf trip to Costa Rica or even Puerto Rico.

Or like me you’re required to travel for work and you’re dreading it. But you have a fear of flying I’m sure you’re tired of hearing air travel is the safest mode of transportation well if you haven’t it is.

You can watch tons of videos on YouTube on the safety of air travel. An aircraft goes through much more inspection before and after every flight than what you probably give your car or motor vehicle in a year and some of you drive on the highway in your car daily and maybe even speed when you’re running late.

If you’re afraid of turbulence I’l leave a link to a video below you can see what the flight cockpit view looks like when the airplane is going through extreme turbulence and no it’s not scary. I would not do that to you. I recommend that you watch videos on the engineering and the mechanics of a plane so you can see how safe they are.

Do you really think that the stewardesses, the captain and the crew would get on the plane if it was not safe lanes are engineered to withstand winds and environments that won’t happen. Wings are meant to bend and it’s natural for the plane to jump up and down to move all around that’s why we wear the seat belts. It’s also highly unlikely that you’ll spend your whole flight flying through turbulence.

Okay so we know turbulence is completely safe. The reason it’s an issue it’s more of a comfort factor than a safety factor it really helped me to watch videos on airplane engineering and mechanics it just proved to me on an analytical level how safe it is and how my fear of flying was irrational.

Some say fear of flying comes from being a control freak. Maybe, maybe not but we can overcome it and make it a thing of the past.

Maybe what scares you the most is the takeoff or maybe it’s the landing honestly I switched my mindset to adventure mode and sometimes I pretend I’m steering the plane as we take off or land. I know this could seem crazy and I might look like an insane person. But who cares what they think you’re doing it you’re in a plane and most people are too busy living their lives to care about what you’re doing. Crank some adventuring tunes on Spotify some tunes that excite you and pretend you’re the pilot. Use your imagination. Flip your mindset. Change your frame, you’re chilling, relax or on an adventure. Think of people like the Red Bull guy, Felix Baumgartner, that jumped from outer space. If you’ve never seen that I’ll leave the link below.

So breathe, relax, smile, use NLP neuro-linguisticprogramming, EFT, finger tapping, the rubber band technique for anxiety All these techniques honestly helped me get rid of my fear of flying. If you’ve never heard of these the links are below in the description of this video. Thanks for sticking around with me in this video we’ve got one more thing to discuss and then a final bonus tip at the end.

Okay last but not least, hypnosis recording. It might sound like hocus-pocus to some of you but this stuff works. There are some of these hypnosis scripts and meditations you start listening to a month before you’re scheduled to fly and you also listen to them during takeoff. I can’t express how effective these things are. I’ll see if I can find at least one that I used and link it below. That’s how you know they work I don’t even use them anymore it’s almost like training wheels on your bike one day you take it off and realize okay you don’t have a fear of flying.

Get ready for a cognitive physical and emotional shift and remember be open-minded whether you think you can or you can’t you’re right Henry Ford. Talking about Ford, if you haven’t seen Ford vs Ferrari, great film check it out.

Bonus tip, one more thing. As I was starting to get rid of my fear of flying, I stopped drinking coffee before getting on a plane. If anything I would suggest drinking a relaxing tea.

Realistically I don’t advise anyone to start taking drugs or getting drunk so they can get on a plane. A shot of whiskey might kill the edge for some but maybe try some herbal remedies like kava or valerian root. Might help you stay more relaxed. I personally don’t take anything.

If you know someone who’s afraid of flying please share this video with them. I truly hope you find this video helped. If you do please leave a comment question or suggestion below. I would love the feedback.

Thank you so much for watching and have a great one get out there and start flying.

👉This is the Hypnosis recording that changed my life: https://amzn.to/2yEQmOC

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